Upcoming Events
Trinity Resurrection United Church
Minister Shirley Davis, Pastor
Rev. Dr. C.L. Davis, Senior Pastor
Face Mask Are Required At ALL Times For Entry And Assistance!
The new program year for LIHEAP began on September 1, 2022 for ALL income eligible households.
Applications will be taken remotely by phone due to COVID-19; and for this program face to face intake will be at the church by appointment only. MASK ARE REQUIRED!
Applications are being taken for all LIHEAP, and Fuel Funds programs along with the City of Chicago UBR water assistance program.
Remote clients should email sdliheap505@att.net for additional instructions. Those seeking in person appointment should call the church 773-769-9645.
In partnership with Commonwealth Edison we also can enroll you to receive in the mail a free LIKE KITS. This free kit includes the energy efficient smart strip, LED bulbs, energy saving shower head, night light, along with energy saving tips. Sign up to receive your free kit today. (Limit one per household)
We will get through this trying time. We at Trinity want to make sure that you receive the best application experience; but we ask your patience as we travel this road together.
The required documents are REQUIRED for all programs:
ALL original Social Security Cards for each individual residing in your household
Picture ID for Head of Household;
Income for your household for the previous 30 days to application date;
Your current gas bill (Both sheets) and light bills (Both sheets);
If you have a disconnect notice you MUST bring the notice with you. Make sure that the issue date on your bills are within the previous 30 days. ALL bills must be current.
Make sure your current award letters from SSA/SSI reflects your monthly 2021 payout amount.